Thursday, January 28, 2010

Disappointment with a open door


This here is what i call a disappointment…

My sister and her so called boyfriend/Husband to be.

She is 22 years old and he is 33 Years old.

Why do i call this a disappointment ?

Cause she likes to wear the man pants in the house were he has no guidance in life no car no job and no social skills.

I wonder cause he is so close to 40 he is using my sister as a back up wife and for her money.She wants to fulfil her dreams but he live on her money she makes as a waitress.He smokes cigarettes probably 30 a day and she would ‘like’ to quit.

We have all talked to her about how she is gonna muk up her life if she marries this life less ass****.But she like to through away  her family for white Pommie trash.


to be continued


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